The Small Business Payments Alliance is working to ensure the electronic payments system continues to deliver for American small businesses.

What's at stake

The Credit Card Competition Act is a direct threat to our electronic payments system and the locally owned, independent businesses, entrepreneurs, and tradespeople who use and accept credit cards.

The CCCA Would:

dramatically reduce credit card rewards.

compromise fraud protection & cybersecurity.

reduce access to capital and credit.

Take action

Congress needs to hear from you, not just the mega retailers who will solely benefit from this policy. Tell Congress how important credit cards and the electronic payments system are to American businesses and employees.

Submit a Video

Record a video telling the story of how credit cards and electronic payments are critical to your business.

send a Letter

Send a letter to share how our credit card system benefits you and your small business.

Small Business Voices

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Marries Gomez, 24-7 Nursing Care

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Daniel Maloney, Sol Cacao

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Dawn Kelly, Nourish Spot

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Tiffini Gatlin, Latched and Hooked

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Grant Reynolds, Parcelle Wine

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Michelle Cadore, Da Spot NYC

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Bryan De Bruin, VanRock Holdings

In the news

Protecting the modern, safe and secure electronic payments system

SBPA was formed in the wake of proposed changes to the electronic payments system that will jeopardize credit card access and benefits. Tradespeople, entrepreneurs, and locally-owned, independent businesses alike use credit cards to support their workers, manage their cash flow, cover operating costs, and collect rewards to re-invest in their businesses. Credit cards also ensure that their customers can make safe, secure, and convenient payments. The current competitive, free market credit card ecosystem provides major benefits to both small businesses and American consumers, and we’re making sure it stays that way.