SBPA Responds to Misleading Arguments About Electronic Payments
Small business owners testified last week against Durbin-Marshall mandates.
Credit card issuers spend an estimated $100 billion on rewards and partner payments, funding the cash back and points programs small businesses need
Customers spend 5x more when using credit cards vs. cash
In 2021, our electronic payment system stopped $80 billion in fraud attempts
Washington needs to hear from you, not just the big box retailers who stand to benefit the most. Tell Congress how important credit cards and our electronic payments system are to your business operations.
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Small business owners testified last week against Durbin-Marshall mandates.
SBPA members outline opposition to Durbin-Marshall Bill during Judiciary hearing.
Small business owners outline benefits of secure payment networks and discuss harm of Durbin-Marshall mandates
The Small Business Payments Alliance (SBPA) shared Halloween treats with congressional offices today, highlighting the benefits of electronic payments for small businesses and consumers.
Attendees at CardCon, the annual conference for credit cards and consumer media, gathered for a panel discussion today hosted by the Small Business Payments Alliance (SBPA).
The Durbin-Marshall credit card bill was introduced last year in Congress as the “Credit Card Competition Act” (CCCA), and the bill’s sponsors are pushing for a vote this fall. The proposed legislation is a direct threat to the electronic payments and rewards system and would have a major negative impact on small business owners who use credit cards and rewards to support their businesses. Despite its name, the legislation would circumvent the competitive market with a new government routing mandate that would dictate processing networks, without regard to security or quality.